Sunday, October 30, 2011

Back to School

 Now that we have had fall vacation, we've had time to catch our breath. Here are some pictures from the kids' school start back in August. Nora was very happy to start second grade, as she has the same class teacher and classmates as last year. Unlike the U.S., kids stay with the same classmates and teacher for the four years of elementary school. This works out great if you like your teacher and classmates (Nora does), but it is a bit tricky if you don't.
 Oliver's school start was very different, as he moved from elementary school to the Gymnasium, which lasts for eight years and prepares you for University studies. You are probably thinking that it is a little early for ten year-olds to be thinking about the University, and I agree, but this is how things are done. He has 29 classmates and two homeroom teachers, and the class has different teachers for the nine different subjects that are covered. In other words, it functions pretty much like our junior high school. It was an adjustment just acquiring all the folders and books and figuring out how to organize them.
 About a week after school started, Grandma Joan flew from California for a visit, just in time to celebrate Nora's seventh birthday. We so much enjoyed her visit. She saw Göttingen, Hannover, and then she and Mike spent three days together in Berlin. They missed the outbreak of head lice at our house, but that is another story...

 Joan helped us put on Nora's seventh birthday party. We did a home party, keeping the kids busy with a treasure hunt, water carrying game, soccer goal shooting, three-legged races, and crafts. It was a fun way to reconnect with friends after summer vacation.
Three-legged race

 After the party, we still had a few days to enjoy Göttingen with Joan, who is walking quite well after some hip surgery this past December. She is a real trooper.

 The day after Joan left, the kids' schools jointly organized a circus week with a local, family-run circus. They helped set up the tents, chose roles, and learned acts. It was a nice break from the rather challenging academics. Oliver's class also undertook a week-long class trip to the nearby Harz Mountains. Rather courageous teachers managed to keep all 120 ten year-olds from hurting themselves (there are five fifth-grade classes).
Nora's Gymnastics Circus Act

We always knew that Oliver (with big drum) was a bit of a clown...     

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